One man clean up

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One man clean up

Postby tncaver » Aug 26, 2007 8:31 pm

Sort of caving related I guess. I cleaned up a bunch of beer cans
and other trash that local reds left at a camping spot way
back in Rocky River Gorge, TN. There is a renowned huge poplar
tree there and a campsite. Several caves are in the area as well
as one major vertical cave, but camp sites are very scarce due to the narrow gorge and river that takes up most of the area. I know of only four places to camp in the entire gorge and one is on the side of the road. Probably more locals than cavers visit and camp in the area but 4000 acres of it was bought a couple years ago and I don't want the new owner to get uptight about trash and gate the area off. It was previously gated shut
for several years. Houses are going up on top of
the plateau overlooking the gorge and there are horse back riders
who frequent the area. I hope that cleaning that well known camp
site will sit well with the owners and others who frequent the area.
And hopefully cavers will continue to have access to the area.
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Postby batrotter » Aug 27, 2007 4:34 am

Way to go! Every little bit helps.
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Postby graveleye » Aug 27, 2007 9:54 am

way to go!!!

If you're old enough, you will remember back in the 70s when they had the "Pitch In" campaign... the idea was that if everyone picked a little something up, then what a huge difference it would make. It is addicting.

When we were at the beach this summer, I found myself picking up other peoples trash almost without thinking because it has become such a habit from caving. So what if people think it's weird... maybe it could catch on again. People in general are such pigs.
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Postby ArCaver » Aug 27, 2007 12:26 pm

I cleaned up a bunch of beer cans
and other trash that local reds left at a camping spot

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Postby adleedy » Aug 27, 2007 2:02 pm

Alan D. Leedy

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Postby tallgirl » Aug 27, 2007 4:08 pm

graveleye wrote:When we were at the beach this summer, I found myself picking up other peoples trash almost without thinking because it has become such a habit from caving. So what if people think it's weird... maybe it could catch on again. People in general are such pigs.

same here, i keep finding myself picking up other ppls trash... i was picking trash up along my local nature trail and had this teenager stop and ask me "you got to do community service or something?"
Me-"No, I'm just doing it because it needs to be done." and it seriously took him a minute just staring at me to realize that no, I wasn't joking! I mean really is it that unheard of? goodness what is the world coming to
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Postby incavenow » Aug 27, 2007 5:05 pm

I am SOOO glad there are others who can't stand to see trash lying around. :hairpull: I've always picked up around my camping areas and everytime I go fishing, I bring back a load of trash. Working on Pettijohn's Cave has long been a project of mine.
Thanks and a big thumb's up to everyone of you who care enough to clean up behind others! :goodjob:
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Postby NZcaver » Aug 27, 2007 10:27 pm

Bravo! :wtg:

I was raised never to litter, and (when I was a kid) naturally assumed everyone else had been raised the same. I'm another person that automatically picks up after others - to a point. But boy, does it boil my stones to witness lazy morons tossing trash in caves, on trails, on the street, and anywhere they feel like - not to mention those dirty bastards tossing cigarette butts everywhere. :rant: :nono:
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