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Looking for an experienced caver to guide us in the IXL cave

PostPosted: May 7, 2021 8:39 pm
by Georges.Casassovici
Hey cavers of the NSS Caving Forum,

I was wondering if any experienced cavers wanted to take an adventure to the bottom of IXL Cave. My friend and I already visited the cave's party room (we're both 14 years old). However, we would like an experienced caver to accompany us for the rest of the trip. We are both not at all claustrophobic, and we can fit through about any hole. If you are interested in guiding us PM me!

Re: Looking for an experienced caver to guide us in the IXL

PostPosted: Jul 1, 2021 7:23 pm
by lekenyon
IXL - the Santa Cruz cave?

Search for the grotto closest to your area (or that area) and email them! That's how I ended up swimming in a river cave (coldwater cave) in Iowa when I was there for a summer. I've over in MA but would love to teach vertical caving. However, it's a skill you need to practice before you're at the cave site (as mistakes happen if you learn them 5 min before).

Re: Looking for an experienced caver to guide us in the IXL

PostPosted: Jul 1, 2021 9:53 pm
by Georges.Casassovici
That won't be a possibility for me. I have gotten in contact with many grottos but none of them would accept me as an underage minor unaccompanied because of liability. At the moment, I'm looking for an expert caver that is willing to take my friend and me.

Re: Looking for an experienced caver to guide us in the IXL

PostPosted: Jul 2, 2021 2:30 pm
by David_Weaver
George already contacted the closest grottos to him. We would love to bring George on some beginner cave trips. Unfortunately George's parents are reportedly uninterested in joining these trips. Due to his age we are hesitant to bring George caving without one of his parents. He is certainly welcome to come to grotto meetings - online or in person. And four years will go by faster than he thinks. Once he's 18 we can bring him along on trips even while his parents stay home.

How do other grottos address this type of situation?