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Another but older East Tenessee cave rescue.

PostPosted: May 17, 2009 2:56 am
by reeffish1073
Here is also another yet few months older rescue from east Tenessee. Just thought i would pass it along as well. Also from a repuitable source.

Story Published on Friday, April 11, 2008

EMS rescues boy who fell into cave

From staff reports

A 14-year-old boy escaped injury Wednesday evening after he fell into an
open pit off Rock Garden Road.

Washington County/Johnson City Emergency Medical Services personnel rescued
Richey Stines about 6:30 p.m. after he fell into the pit.

Officials said Stines was a riding bike with some friends when they ended up
exploring the area.

"He fell into an open pit that leads to a cave," EMS Rescue Capt. Dan
Wheeley said Thursday. "There is a fence around the area, but part of it was
broken down."

Wheeley said Stines fell about 30 feet.

"He had about 25 or 30 feet to go before he would have made it into the
cave," Wheeley said. "He wasn't injured in the fall and was able to walk out
once we got to him and pulled him out."

Wheeley said the last cave rescue local EMS personnel had to make was about
seven years ago.

"All of our rescue technicians are trained in technical rope rescue,"
Wheeley said. "Wednesday's rescue was probably what we would call a
mid-line-type of rescue. We had to set up several rope systems to get to the
victim. The rescue would have been significantly more difficult if he was