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Quantaray Slaves...

PostPosted: Nov 30, 2006 7:45 pm
by VACaver
I picked up a Quantaray QMS-D1 slave a couple of weeks ago and, for the price, it worked pretty darn good! Granted, it doesn't put out a huge amount of light, but for a slave on a budget, it's fine.

40 bucks for a slave designed to use with digital cameras...not bad. In fact, I picked up another a couple of days ago.

PostPosted: Nov 30, 2006 7:50 pm
by volica
I presume you bought this one:

What is the difference between this and twice cheaper one:

Except for price, and word "digital"?

PostPosted: Nov 30, 2006 9:03 pm
by VACaver
Yes, I bought the one for digital. The QMS-D1 does not trigger from the pre-flash of digital cameras (the cheaper one does) and has a multiple selector switch so it will work with most digital cameras.