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Off Camera Strobe Activation Recomendations?

PostPosted: Feb 3, 2020 11:09 am
by Ray Keeler
I am looking for recommendations for what to use for off camera strobes. I have two Firefly 2's and two earlier fireflies. I put in new batteries but sometimes they work and sometimes not. Is there an online user document? Are there other strobe activation units you would recommend?

Re: Off Camera Strobe Activation Recomendations?

PostPosted: Feb 4, 2020 12:25 pm
by Ray Keeler
I have three strobes that work. It seems that the Fireflies are having communication issues ... or I'm not pushing the buttons correctly.

Re: Off Camera Strobe Activation Recomendations?

PostPosted: Feb 4, 2020 5:08 pm
by artsmarse
In my experience, the Firefly 2 has been the most reliable slave I have used but it will depend how you are using them and what you are using to trigger them. If they sometimes work and sometimes don't for the same battery and the same strobes, that can be a cable connection issue so you should end up with a load of photos like this if you check them often enough before caving trips.


Here are a couple of shots done entirely with them - there is more than one Firefly being used in each of these.



If you can describe your gear set-up, that would help to understand what is going on. Photos of your gear with a description would be even better.

Re: Off Camera Strobe Activation Recomendations?

PostPosted: Feb 9, 2020 10:17 am
by Ray Keeler
OK, thanks. I will recheck the connections and see if I can find a weak place.