Cherokee County Newbie

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Cherokee County Newbie

Postby Puzzle » Feb 25, 2013 5:54 pm

Hi folks!

My name is Jimmy Apple (for real), and after much procrastination I have decided to plunge with both feet into caving. I've gone on several guided expeditions at Raccoon Mountain and enjoyed them to the degree that I really want to see more and do more. Some personal issues initially prevented me from pursuing caving, but with some of that behind me I have joined the NSS and the Dogwood City Grotto. My girlfriend and my 13 year old son also joined along with me. I also have two daughters (12 and 15) that surprised my by saying they wanted to join as well. So as a family we are all excited about becoming part of the caving society. I'm not sure exactly what the next step is, and I'm not sure about how many people involve their children in caving, but we're all eager to see new caves, meet new people, and get new training.

About myself-
I'm 43 and am a paramedic in Cobb County. I moved down to Georgia from the Cape Fear coast of NC about a year and a half ago to be closer to family. I've always had a desire to be more active outdoors and to plug my children into something exciting and challenging. And caving is just what the doctor ordered. Hope to talk to and/or meet some of you soon!
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Re: Cherokee County Newbie

Postby graveleye » Feb 25, 2013 6:24 pm

Hi Jimmy, welcome to the forum!

I'm also a DCG member. The meeting is next week, so somehow amid the chaos of everyone talking and hanging out, I'll try to say hello if you are there.

About kids, well I wish mine had an interest but he is busy with other things in life. I wish I could take him caving more. Lots of people take their kids caving, providing they equip and teach them. Some of my most memorable trips were ones where we had someones kids with them. Kids seem to take to it right enthusiastically.
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