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Secret Caver Brainwashing Propaganda from the 80's

PostPosted: Feb 19, 2008 10:43 pm
by mabercrombie
How many of us that grew up in the late 70's early 80's played with weeble wobbles? (those egg shaped toys that look suspiciously like my ex mother in law?)
I found secret propaganda hidden in a play set check it out. :rofl:

Re: Secret Caver Brainwashing Propaganda from the 80's

PostPosted: Feb 20, 2008 10:13 am
by Ralph E. Powers
Fascinating... hmm well that's one brainwashing I don't mind a bit. Gimme more. :bat sticker:

Re: Secret Caver Brainwashing Propaganda from the 80's

PostPosted: Mar 16, 2008 3:27 am
by robcountess
I had weebles as a kid. I recall that they made pretty nasty projectiles with their aerodynamic shape and heavy metal ring encased in plastic at the bottom. My sister may still have a scar......

Re: Secret Caver Brainwashing Propaganda from the 80's

PostPosted: Mar 16, 2008 12:14 pm
by wendy
omg that's the webbles haunted house, that one came with the weeble glow in the dark ghost! I wonder if that's stil at my folks house, I need to look next weekend when I'm there.