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Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2011 1:24 pm
by NZcaver
Since I'll be living far away from caves for a little while, I'll be getting back into some winter hiking/snowshoeing/x-country skiing too. Anything to get out and keep moving.

Maybe not this morning, though. It's 30 below zero right now here in Tok, Alaska. Even with the right gear - ouch! :yikes:

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2011 1:35 pm
by trogman
I guess I better edit that last post- I meant 3.5 INCHES of snow. LOL :laughing:

Sungura wrote:Are you like retired or something? I mean, how do you find the time?
Also, I am jealous of your life being able to do that :kewl:
Not the early morning though. I am a night owl.

Not even close to being retired. I have a full time job and also I am a part-time student. I do have a job that lets me off every other Friday, plus weekends and holidays. That's when I go ridgewalking and caving. I have always enjoyed hiking, and ridgewalking combines my love of hiking and caving.

Getting up early is just a matter of perspective. I get up at 4:30 every day to go to work, so it's no big deal to do it on the weekend also. You just have to go to bed a little earlier. :yawn:
I love the still and quiet of the early morning in the woods; it's so peaceful.

Trogman :helmet:

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2011 1:45 pm
by tncaver
NZcaver wrote:Since I'll be living far away from caves for a little while, I'll be getting back into some winter hiking/snowshoeing/x-country skiing too. Anything to get out and keep moving.

Maybe not this morning, though. It's 30 below zero right now here in Tok, Alaska. Even with the right gear - ouch! :yikes:

NZ, you certainly do move around a lot. Care to let us in on what you do for a living? That falls into the title of this thread don't you think.
"So what else do yall do? :shhh:

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2011 1:57 pm
by graveleye
Other than caving, and my day job, I enjoy music. I have a fully functional multi-room recording studio in my basement that I spend a lot of time in. I play guitar, bass... sing.
I also have 2 Gibson Les Pauls and one Gibson SG amongst several other guitars and banjos. The Gibsons are my pride and joy.
I try to make money off the studio when I can, but mostly just record my own stuff.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 24, 2011 11:27 am
by nathanroser
The Outing Club at my college is pretty much my life, if it's not caving I jump on whatever other climbing, backpacking, or skiing trip is happening. I'm also getting into primitive pursuits stuff like shelter building, tracking animals, and gathering wild food. Other than that there's the humdrum day to day stuff of college classes and video gaming to pass the time. Summertime I volunteer at an animal sanctuary doing plenty of farm labor, and working as a lifeguard at a pool.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 24, 2011 1:18 pm
by JR-Orion
Work and family- been married almost ten years and have a three year old boy and a two month old girl. She's a very mellow little girl and he's just a riot... loves caving, too, but WNS has kind of shut us down. Maquoketa Caves is just about 45 minutes from here and is very toddler friendly, but the place is closed. :sad:

Other than that I read, watch movies, enjoy music, and play video games (from PC to xbox 360 all the way back the the 8-bit NES).

Also like travel, hiking, general exploration.

Used to be really into astronomy. Still have all my gear and will never get rid of it, but I do need to get back out under the stars.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 24, 2011 2:14 pm
by Mugger
Year round I love hiking, bicycling (both road and mountain), geocaching, rockhounding and camping. I also like to swim and canoe when it's warm enough, and telemark ski, sled and snowshoe when it's cold. When I'm not out and about, I read, watch movies, visit thrift shops and hang out with friends.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 24, 2011 8:00 pm
by jsniffin
Study. Trying to get into the teaching program here at school. Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Short backpacking trips, Cooking.... I LOVE to cook.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 24, 2011 9:33 pm
by Cavernuke
Work - for over 25 years I was a designing boats and ships. What I'm doing now is the calculations that ensure that the ship floats with the slippery side down.

Besides caving, I sail a 25 foot sailboat, do iceboating (part-owner of a DN), travel, research historic bridges, and study geology. Oh yeah, and guitars. Way too many of them: '60's-reissue USA-made Strat, Tele, a rare Ovation that looks just like a Gibson ES-335, Alvarez acoustic and Ryoji Matsuoka classical.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 25, 2011 8:02 am
by tncaver
You and graveleye should get together for some pickin and grinnin at a caving event. Sounds like you two are both into similar
musical interests. :kewl:

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 25, 2011 8:32 am
by Phil Winkler
cavernuke, I just sold our Ranger 33 after 12 wonderful years of ownership and sailing on the Chesapeake. This is the first time I've been boat-less for a long time. I'm, looking for a Boston Whaler day sailer to sail on Rehoboth Bay.

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Feb 25, 2011 9:45 am
by CaverScott
Hiking, Travel, Exploring via Geocaching, and Photography....

Summer: Kayaking and Wakeboarding

Winter: Snow Skiing

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Mar 12, 2011 4:15 am
by commanderzoom
Lately I've done a whole bunch of sitting around on my butt texting with friends or talking to friends who show up. Geez, I've gotten lazy this past month or so & my strength & energy levels are in the toilet because of it. Methinks it's about time to get back to hiking through the woods for hours at a time *ALONE so nobody can aggravate me or yell at me to hurry up* and maybe find an active hobby of some sort. Or a job, that would be even better.

I can't go caving like this! Even an "easy" cave would eat me alive right now because I let myself get all lazy! Aargh!!!!!!

Re: So what else do yall do?

PostPosted: Sep 4, 2011 12:11 pm
by Gumby
I've always loved to fish, hunt, and design and build redwood strip canoes. I'll start on my first ocean kayak soon, we'll see how that works out...Bloop Bloop.