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Karst and cave scientists to support an Open Access petition

PostPosted: Jan 31, 2007 2:19 pm
by zenas
Karst and cave scientists to support an Open Access petition.

Description: 31 Jan. 2007.

Dear Colleaques,

I'd like to draw your attention to, and encourage you to join, the "Petition for guaranteed public access to publicly-funded research results", directed to the European Commission, opened for joining on January 17, 2007 and already signed by 13,862 individuals and organisations. ... -guid.html . .

The petition is sponsored by a consortium of European organisations -- JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee, UK), SURF (Netherlands), SPARC Europe, DFG (Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany), DEFF (Danmarks Elektroniske Fag- og Forskningsbibliotek, Denmark),
to demonstrate support for the policy of providing Open Access to research results on the part of the European and worldwide research community. Signatures may be added by individual researchers or universities and research institutions.

This is an important part of an active ongoing global movement for free and open access to research results. I think that the principles of Open Access to scientific information are particularly important for the karst/cave community. This is because much of studies in our area is being done by researchers and explorers which are not necessarily affiliated with major scientific institutions capable to pay for access to research results.. much of which were produced by publicly-funded or voluntary-driven projects. This problem is particularly severe for scholars in countries where
funding for science is not very abundant (in fact, georgaphically, the most of the world).

I feel that karst and cave researchers may have many reasons to actively support the Open Access initiatives.

Best wishes!

--Alexander Klimchouk.