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Re: Spanish cave has extensive collection of helicitites eve

PostPosted: Dec 13, 2010 12:17 am
by photophill
Well without a doubt Bohemia Cave in New Zealand has by far the most helectites ever seen in a cave to date. I had heard such a comment from the Czech discoverers and did not really beleive until I made it into the "Dream of the Alberice". It just goes on and on in an amazing staggering variety of Aragonite bushes and trees of virtually any shape imaginable. On the original Czech group there was one guy who was a constant motor mouth. Once he viewed the "Dream of the Alberice" he went into a state of near shock and hardly uttered a word for a whole week!! Seeing is believing!

Goto and click on the Bohemia 2010 pic and then switch to slide show view.

We have another expedition planned for Feb 2012 for anyone who is interested. I need to go back for more and more fotos!

Re: Spanish cave has extensive collection of helicitites eve

PostPosted: Dec 13, 2010 7:16 am
by reeffish1073

Nice set of pics! Looks like one awsome cave to see!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: