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"Deputy Fife Hero in Cave Rescue"

PostPosted: Apr 22, 2006 7:06 pm
by Scott McCrea
I was watching The Andy Griffith Show tonight and I notice a framed newspaper on the wall in the back room of the Sherrif's office. The headline said in large, black letters, "Deputy Fife Hero in Cave Resuce."

I didn't know there were caves in Mayberry. I thought I had seen most of the episodes over the years, but I've seen one with a cave rescue. So, to Google I go. Aha! There really was.

"109. "BARNEY AND THE CAVE RESCUE" Original Air Date: 01-06-64.
Barney comes to the rescue when he believes Andy and Helen are trapped in Lost Lover's Cave."

I'll have to check the NC Cave Survey for "Lost Lover's Cave." :tonguecheek:

PostPosted: Apr 23, 2006 8:59 am
by graveleye
:tonguecheek: thats one of my favorite episodes!!

PostPosted: Apr 24, 2006 7:13 pm
by Ralph E. Powers
Ya, I remember that... it showed one of the reasons that Andy was such a great friend... Helen and Andy managed to find their way out and got into town and found out that Barney is organizing a huge rescue effort that would blast him to obvlivion should the townspeople find out it was all for naught... and the two return to the cave the way they came out and waited for rescue.

Good one!

Nice photo-shopping BTW.